Are you ready to make today the day you scale and grow your business?

Ever wonder why for some entrepreneurs, everything they touch turns to GOLD?

Ask any top performer - whether it's sports, entertainment or any professional industry, the secret to their success, and they'll tell was either a mentor or a coach. Entrepreneurship is no different.

Whether helping you to develop and implement a new strategy, identify blind spots or just brainstorming ideas, a business coach can help with that and more.

Every business should have (or will need) a coach at some point. If it feels like your business has stalled a bit... things that used to work aren't working anymore, you're working harder but the needle is not moving or moving incrementally, or you just need a fresh perspective that helps you clarify your vision, we're here for you.

Check out our coaching programs below and click to get started. 

KPC Jumpstart Coaching

Our basic coaching program...just as effective with less commitment. This is a 1-month program.

  • Weekly 1:1 sessions with a KPC Business Coach (One (1) initial consultation + 4 sessions)
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KPC 90 Day Coaching

Our 90 Day coaching provides a 30-60-90 day roadmap to build a sustainable contracting business. This is a 3-month program.

  • Bi-weekly 1:1 sessions with a dedicated business advisor (One (1) initial consultation + 6 sessions)
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KPC EXCEL 1:1 Coaching

Our EXCEL 1:1 Coaching Program focuses on scaling your business with institutional customers and provides the ultimate access to systems, processes, templates and closing tactics. This is a 6-month program.

  • Bi-weekly sessions with a dedicated business advisor (One (1) initial consultation + 12 bi-weekly, 1:1 sessions)
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KPC F.I.R.E. Group Coaching

Our F.I.R.E. Group Coaching Program focuses on growing your business with institutional customers working and collaborating with other entrepreneurs. We help you create a F.I.R.E. Plan - Find, Investigate, Resources, Engage - to target opportunities just right for your business!

  •  Unlimited course access (excluding KPC premium programs)
  • Weekly group mastermind sessions with subject matter experts
  • Discounted membership in the KPC Growth - F.I.R.E. Community
  • Minimum 3-month commitment 
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Check out what others say about coaching with us!


You're one step away from the most impactful business coaching program...EVER!

Whether group or 1:1 coaching, our experienced coaches are ready to help you in all facets of building a sustainable business that continues to grow each year! 

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