BusinessFAB® Academy Jumpstart Course
This course "jumpstarts" your business knowledge in contracting and working with any institutional customer.
Understand how to become "contract ready" and develop a pipeline of opportunities to create the business you've always wanted!
What you'll get:
Course + Workbook
Crucial insights and insider knowledge on positioning your business to speak to institutional customers
Understand of what buyers are looking for in vendors
Instruction on how to develop a winning strategy to acquire institutional customers and make them REPEAT customers!
BusinessFAB® Academy Jumpstart Subscription
Our monthly subscription program includes the course plus access to weekly enrichment sessions to accelerate your growth and help you achieve your goals even faster.
What you'll get:
Course + Workbook
Crucial insights and insider knowledge on positioning your business to speak to institutional customers
Understand of what buyers are looking for in vendors
Instruction on how to develop a winning strategy to acquire institutional customers and make them REPEAT customers!
Weekly sessions with subject matter experts
Discounted membership in the KPC Jumpstart Community
**Minimum 3-month commitment**